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Sports Morning

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Sports Morning on Monday. The sun came out for us and the weather was perfect! It was great to watch the children participate and to see all the children cheering and supporting one another.

Congratulations to our winning house, Sycamore! As a reward, Sycamore can come in non-school uniform on Friday 28th June.

Sycamore - 113 Maple - 105
Birch - 102 Oak - 98


Year 6 events 

Maths challenge: On Monday, four children attended Long Stratton High School to represent the school in a maths challenge against other schools in South Norfolk. Whilst the challenges were very difficult, the children were brilliant: they did manage to reach the end, working well together and showing great resilience, representing our school fantastically. Well done. 

Girls Cricket: On Wednesday, the girls who won last week's cricket, represented the school once more in the county finals against teams across Norfolk. Once again, they performed amazingly well, coming 6th out of 14 teams. 

STEM Day: On Thursday, the East of England Energy Group came in to deliver a fun-filled day of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). We had a range of volunteers from energy industries across the county work with the children. The children got involved building different structures using various materials. The wind turbines were particularly fab - even testing them by linking to an anemometer! 


Staff changes

At the end of the summer term, we say farewell to Mr Lawrence, who is not only leaving Mulbarton Primary, but moving to Dubai to teach in a British School. Mr Lawrence has made a big impact on many of the children's lives here, we are sad to see him go and thank him for his dedication to our school and children.  We wish him well and the best of luck for his next adventure!

Congratulations to Miss Sergeant who has shared the wonderful news that she is expecting a baby! Miss Sergeant will continue working until her maternity leave starts after October half-term.

We are also looking forward to welcoming Mrs Underhill, who will join the Mulbarton team from 1st September.  Mrs Underhill will also join us for our transition days, so the children who will be in her class will have the opportunity to start to get to know her then.


Celebrating Gypsy, Roma, Traveller month

We are delighted to invite Richard O'Neill into school on Friday 12th July. Richard is the author of several children's books, he contributes to national literacy initiatives and visits schools across the whole country to teach children about Gypsy, Roma, Traveller (GRT) heritage, sharing his stories and his own experiences as a Romany Traveller.  To celebrate GRT month, Richard will spend the day with us. We warmly invite all parents with a GRT heritage to come and meet Richard and listen to his stories. A personal invite will be coming to you soon!

Changes to legislation re: attendance

From August 19th 2024, new legislation published by the Department for Education comes into force. The aim of the legislation is to address poor attendance across all school settings nationally to ensure every child regularly attends school. Parents will receive a Fixed Penalty Fine if your child receives ten unauthorised absences over a rolling ten-week period.

Currently, as a school, we do not routinely fine parents if you take your child out of school for a holiday. However, from 19th August, we will have to follow national legislation.

 An unauthorised absence would be for example: 

A holiday

Arriving 10 or more minutes late for school

Not attending school and not being able to give a legitimate reason for your child’s absence.

Registers are taken twice a day. Therefore, there are two sessions in a day. Over a week, there are 10 sessions.

The monies accrued from fines go to the Local Authority to further support the attendance team to help raise attendance, not our school.

The accompanying leaflet explains what will happen.

School attendance penalty notice


Mulbarton Church Holiday Camp 

This weekend, we have discovered that the holiday club email hasn’t been functioning properly. We believe we have now replied to all who have booked on, but if you haven’t heard within two days of requesting a place, please email the church on  

The event this summer is being held at Mulbarton Primary School and is on Tuesday 13th to Thursday 15th August. We will be looking at the wonders of God’s world, mainly through outdoor activities. The cost is £3 per day and the hours will be 9.30am to 3.00pm. Payment needs to be in cash on the day. Please register your child using the email address  


Diary dates 



Monday 24th 

Polar Bears - Sports Enrichment Morning 

Wednesday 26th 

Kestrels - Sports Enrichment Morning 


Monday 1st 

Preloved uniform sale (3.00 - 3.30pm) 

Wednesday 3rd 

Reception - Sports Enrichment Morning 

Wednesday 3rd 

Year 2 Dance Showcase 

Monday 8th 

Year 4 trip to West Stow 

Monday 8th 

Whales - Sports Enrichment Morning 

Tuesday 9th 

Year 6 trip - Crucial Crew 

Wednesday 10th 

Year 1 trip to Africa Alive 

Wednesday 10th 

Dolphins - Sports Enrichment Morning 

Wednesday 10th 

Year 4 French Café 14.00pm 

Thursday 11th 

Rock Steady Concert LSH (2.30pm – 3.00pm) 

Friday 12th 

Celebrating Gypsy, Roma, Traveller month  

Monday 15th 

Caterpillars – Sports Enrichment Morning 

Wednesday 17th 

Ladybirds – Sports Enrichment Morning 

Thursday 18th July 

Year 6 Leavers performance (10am & 13.45pm)  

Friday 19th July 

Last day of term